Hey there
I'm Nicolangelo Damico, a full stack web developer.
My Resume
4 years
2 years as front end developer with angular and 2 years as fullstack developer with angular and spring boot
8 month
Quik(yc w22)
angular developer with firebase as serverless backend and OAuth
near market test
a simple app to test near blockchain and smart contracts
Tech Stack
- angular
- bootstrap
- near-api-js
solana anchor test
a simple app to test anchor and solana web 3
Tech Stack
- react
- anchor
solana pay test
a simple app to test solana pay and solana transactions
Tech Stack
- react
I've worked with multiple technologies as a developer to develop & maintain my projects.
I can code in Java. But I mainly use it for backend with spring.Scripting
I know basic scripting in sh for linux and useful commands for terminaljavascript
my principal framework is angular but i can code with react and svelte also i know typescript and a little of expressFirebase
I have used Firebase for auth & database in my workGit
Git is a tool that I use every day. I use GitHub and/or bitbucketGo
i use this languaje for backend apis with fiber and gin
My Journey
In my journey to date, I have learned a great deal about development and life in general.
start as angular developer
go to full stack with java and angular
learn new things like go, python, elixir, etc
start working and learning firebase
learning rust and go to make backend api and other stuff
continue with informatic engineering